Impacted перелом

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Impacted перелом

Couldn’t the throttle spring have been dislodged by the impact of the crash?

Регулятор подачи топлива мог быть смещён из-за удара, или потому, что машина упала?

At impact they will be travelling fast enough to weigh 9,000lbs.

В момент удара его масса составит четыре тонны.

Heading straight for point of impact!

Направление прямо на точку удара!

— Yeah! They burst on impact. Make a hell of an explosion.

— Да, они оглушительно взрываются от удара.

At the moment of impact, I was released.

В момент удара я была освобождена.

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Impact in ten seconds.

Столкновение через десять секунд.

Impact in 20 seconds.

Столкновение через 20 секунд.

So could a rare but natural event the impact of a comet with Earth trigger a nuclear war?

Что, если бы такое редкое, но естественное явление, как столкновение кометы с Землёй, стало причиной для ядерной войны?

But the impact of a giant cometary nucleus like Halley’s comet, let’s say happens only every billion years or so.

Но столкновение с огромным кометным ядром например, как с кометой Галлея, случается раз в миллиард лет.

Impact in 22 seconds.

Столкновение через 22 секунды.

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This does not impact, but a disappointment!

это не влияние, а сплошное разочарование!

There’ve been a lot of wild stories in the media and we want to assess any possible environmental impact from your operation.

Была куча разных историй по телевидению и мы хотели оценить влияние на окружающую среду вашу деятельность.

As this now stands, I don’t think this will have any impact on our present strategy.

Исходя из текущей ситуации, я не думаю что это окажет какое-то влияние на нашу стратегию

Intentional or not, that probe had a terrible impact on these people.

Намеренно или нет, этот зонд оказал ужасное влияние на этих людей.

It’s true there’s a small impact at the beginning, but then…

Ну да, сначала — незначительное влияние, а потом…

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You have a chance to impact young people’s lives, and it’s slipping by you.

Это же шанс повлиять на юные души, и ты его упускаешь.

Through the effective use of resources an increased police presence and an intensive reach out into the community we’ve been able to have a significant impact on these areas to the effect of a 12% decrease overall.

Посредством эффективного использования ресурсов… усиленного присутствия полиции… и тесного контакта с общественностью… нам удалось заметно повлиять на эти районы… что выразилось двенадцатипроцентном снижении в целом.

Still, we can go outside and give them the potential impact.

Но мы можем выйти и повлиять.

— principal green, i’m sure that there’s no need To take drastic action That might impact the girls’ academic future.

— директор Грин,я уверена, что нет необходимости принимать радикальные меры, которые могут повлиять на дальнейшее обучение девочек.

May impact your ability to do your job?

Которые могут повлиять на способность выполнять свою работу?

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I examine the impact of boxing on the living organism.

Исспедую воздействие бокса на живой организм.

Although I do not speak from personal experience I have seen it have a profound psychological impact.

Я не могу опираться на личный опыт, но я заметил, что оно производит глубокое психологическое воздействие.

As you know, for the past three years, this administration has been trying to formulate a National Energy Policy that will have a lasting impact on the way we live for the next decade and beyond.

Насколько вы знаете, за три последних года наша администрация пыталась создать надежную базу для Новой Энергетической Политики которая оказала бы более прочное воздействие на образ нашей повседневной жизни а также, всех последующих за нами поколений…

If you need me, use this string impact.

Если я понадоблюсь вам, используйте это воздействие нити.

And since tachyons travel faster than light it could be that their impact on the sails somehow accelerated us to warp speeds.

— Так как тахионы быстрее света, могло случиться так, что их воздействие на паруса как-то ускорило нас до варп скорости.

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— that it was my life. — It’s your life when it doesn’t impact our clients.

— Твоя жизнь — она тогда твоя, когда не влияет на наших клиентов.

It didn’t impact our clients.

Моя жизнь не влияет на наших клиентов.

A boss sets a tone, and that impacts how the employees feel.

Босс задает тон и это влияет на то, как работники чувствуют себя.

Duress impacts relationships in one of two ways.

Принуждение влияет на отношения так или иначе.

Who you fuck in the line of duty is your business, but if you’re carrying baggage that could impact your leadership, that is my business.

С кем вы спите во время операций — это ваше дело. Но если это влияет на то, как вы руководите этим отделом, это уже моё дело.

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We’ll have a chance to evaluate its impact.

У нас будет возможность оценить эффект.

— You’ll miss the emotional impact.

— Вы потеряете эффект неожиданности.

Close with the giraffe cos it’s got more impact.

Закончи жирафом, потому что у него больший эффект.

Cancer has lost a lot of it’s impact…

Рак потерял свой эффект…

My presentation may have the added impact of, well, presentation.

Мое представление может иметь дополнительный эффект для, так сказать, представления в ярких красках.

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Try to determine from which direction they came and their possible velocity at the moment of impact.

Постараемся определить направление и скорость их падения.

You got your point of impact there where Agent Scully is standing clear and identifiable.

Вы получили Вашу точку падения там, где Агент Скалли стоит …чёткий и идентифицируемый.

Possibly the result of impact.

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Возможное последствие падения.

We calculate its impact point.

Я хочу рассчитать точку падения.

Scientists used these remarkable images to triangulate the impact site of the meteorite.

эти уникальные кадры использовались учёными для триангуляции места падения метеорита.

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The psychological impact of circumcision has been studied many times.

Психологические последствия обрезания довольно подробно изучены.

Genetic abnormalities and minor duplication errors in the DNA can have considerable impact on…

Генетичиские аномалии и ошибки дублирования ДНК могут иметь серьезные последствия…

We realize the gravity and the impact of this situation.

Мы сознаем всю серьезность ситуации и возможные последствия.

Assistant Principal Elkins and I have already conferred with your union to try to minimize the impact on the classrooms, but, unfortunately,

Недавно мы с замдиректора Элкинсом встречались с вашим профсоюзом, пытаясь минимизировать последствия.

I shouldn’t have to tell you what a negative impact a hostile divorce can have on our company’s bottom line, especially if our assets are forced into a public tug-of-war between you and your old lady.

Полагаю, я не должен рассказывать тебе, какие негативные последствия для итоговых показателей нашей компании может иметь неблагоприятный развод, особенно если наше имущество втянуто в публичное «перетягивание каната» между тобой и твоей женой.

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Velocity at impact, 10,000 light units.

Скорость попадания 10.000 световых единиц.

Yes, sir. But I could swear that the target disappeared before impact.

Да сэр, но я могу поклясться, что цель исчезла ещё до попадания.

— Two minutes to missile impact.

— Две минуты до ракетного попадания.

We went back and did lead wipes On some chips in the pavement And found three bullet impact points.

Мы вернулись, поискали следы свинца на асфальте и нашли три места попадания пуль.

Pitted tarmac where the bullet impacted.

Повреждённый асфальт в месте попадания пули.

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A bone fracture is a medical condition where the continuity of the bone is broken.

A significant percentage of bone fractures occur because of high force impact or stress.

However, a fracture may also be the result of some medical conditions which weaken the bones, for example osteoporosis, some cancers, or osteogenesis imperfecta (also known as brittle bone diseases).

A fracture caused by a medical condition is known as a pathological fracture.

The word “break” is commonly used by lay (non-professional) people.

Among doctors, especially bone specialists, such as orthopedic surgeons, “break” is a much less common term when talking about bones.

A crack (not only a break) in the bone is also known as a fracture. Fractures can occur in any bone in the body.

There are several different ways in which a bone can fracture; for example, a break to the bone that does not damage surrounding tissue or tear through the skin is known as a closed fracture.

On the other hand, one that damages surrounding skin and penetrates the skin is known as a compound fracture or an open fracture. Compound fractures are generally more serious than simple fractures, because, by definition, they are infected.

Most human bones are surprisingly strong and can generally stand up to fairly strong impacts or forces. However, if that force is too powerful, or there is something wrong with the bone, it can fracture.

The older we get, the less force our bones can withstand. Because children’s bones are more elastic, when they do have fractures they tend to be different. Children also have growth plates at the end of their bones – areas of growing bone – which may sometimes be damaged.

There is a range of fracture types, including:

  • Avulsion fracture – a muscle or ligament pulls on the bone, fracturing it.
  • Comminuted fracture – the bone is shattered into many pieces.
  • Compression (crush) fracture – generally occurs in the spongy bone in the spine. For example, the front portion of a vertebra in the spine may collapse due to osteoporosis.
  • Fracture dislocation – a joint becomes dislocated, and one of the bones of the joint has a fracture.
  • Greenstick fracture – the bone partly fractures on one side, but does not break completely because the rest of the bone can bend. This is more common among children, whose bones are softer and more elastic.
  • Hairline fracture – a partial fracture of the bone. Sometimes this type of fracture is harder to detect with routine xrays.
  • Impacted fracture – when the bone is fractured, one fragment of bone goes into another.
  • Intraarticular fracture – where the break extends into the surface of a joint
  • Longitudinal fracture – the break is along the length of the bone.
  • Oblique fracture – a fracture that is diagonal to a bone’s long axis.
  • Pathological fracture – when an underlying disease or condition has already weakened the bone, resulting in a fracture (bone fracture caused by an underlying disease/condition that weakened the bone).
  • Spiral fracture – a fracture where at least one part of the bone has been twisted.
  • Stress fracture – more common among athletes. A bone breaks because of repeated stresses and strains.
  • Torus (buckle) fracture – bone deforms but does not crack. More common in children. It is painful but stable.
  • Transverse fracture – a straight break right across a bone.
Share on PinterestSymptoms of a bone fracture can vary wildly depending on the affected region and severity.

The signs and symptoms of a fracture vary according to which bone is affected, the patient’s age and general health, as well as the severity of the injury. However, they often include some of the following:

  • pain
  • swelling
  • bruising
  • discolored skin around the affected area
  • angulation – the affected area may be bent at an unusual angle
  • the patient is unable to put weight on the injured area
  • the patient cannot move the affected area
  • the affected bone or joint may have a grating sensation
  • if it is an open fracture, there may be bleeding

When a large bone is affected, such as the pelvis or femur:

  • the sufferer may look pale and clammy
  • there may be dizziness (feeling faint)
  • feelings of sickness and nausea.
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If possible, do not move a person with a broken bone until a healthcare professional is present and can assess the situation and, if required, apply a splint. If the patient is in a dangerous place, such as in the middle of a busy road, one sometimes has to act before the emergency services arrive.

Most fractures are caused by a bad fall or automobile accident. Healthy bones are extremely tough and resilient and can withstand surprisingly powerful impacts. As people age, two factors make their risk of fractures greater: Weaker bones and a greater risk of falling.

Children, who tend to have more physically active lifestyles than adults, are also prone to fractures.

People with underlying illnesses and conditions that may weaken their bones have a higher risk of fractures. Examples include osteoporosis, infection, or a tumor. As mentioned earlier, this type of fracture is known as a pathological fracture.

Stress fractures, which result from repeated stresses and strains, commonly found among professional sports people, are also common causes of fractures.

Share on PinterestMedical intervention focuses on supporting the bone as it heals naturally.

A doctor will carry out a physical examination, identify signs and symptoms, and make a diagnosis.

The patient will be interviewed – or friends, relatives, and witnesses if the patient cannot communicate properly – and asked about circumstances that caused the injury or may have caused it.

Doctors will often order an X-ray. In some cases, an MRI or CT scan may also be ordered.

Bone healing is a natural process which, in most cases, will occur automatically. Fracture treatment is usually aimed at making sure there is the best possible function of the injured part after healing.

Treatment also focuses on providing the injured bone with the best circumstances for optimum healing (immobilization).

For the natural healing process to begin, the ends of the broken bone need to be lined up – this is known as reducing the fracture.

The patient is usually asleep under a general anesthetic when fracture reduction is done. Fracture reduction may be done by manipulation, closed reduction (pulling the bone fragments), or surgery.

Immobilization – as soon as the bones are aligned they must stay aligned while they heal. This may include:

  • Plaster casts or plastic functional braces – these hold the bone in position until it has healed.
  • Metal plates and screws – current procedures may use minimally invasive techniques.
  • Intra-medullary nails – internal metal rods are placed down the center of long bones. Flexible wires may be used in children.
  • External fixators – these may be made of metal or carbon fiber; they have steel pins that go into the bone directly through the skin. They are a type of scaffolding outside the body.

Usually, the fractured bone area is immobilized for 2-8 weeks. The duration depends on which bone is affected and whether there are any complications, such as a blood supply problem or an infection.

Healing – if a broken bone has been aligned properly and kept immobile, the healing process is usually straightforward.

Osteoclasts (bone cells) absorb old and damaged bone while osteoblasts (other bone cells) are used to create new bone.

Callus is new bone that forms around a fracture. It forms on either side of the fracture and grows toward each end until the fracture gap is filled. Eventually, the excess bone smooths off and the bone is as it was before.

The patient’s age, which bone is affected, the type of fracture, as well as the patient’s general health are all factors which influence how rapidly the bone heals. If the patient smokes regularly, the healing process will take longer.

Physical therapy – after the bone has healed, it may be necessary to restore muscle strength as well as mobility to the affected area. If the fracture occurred near or through a joint, there is a risk of permanent stiffness or arthritis – the individual may not be able to bend that joint as well as before.

Surgery – if there was damage to the skin and soft tissue around the affected bone or joint, plastic surgery may be required.

Delayed unions and non-unions

Non-unions are fractures that fail to heal, while delayed unions are those that take longer to heal.

  • Ultrasound therapy – low-intensity ultrasound is applied to the affected area daily. This has been found to help the fracture heal. Studies in this area are still ongoing.
  • Bone graft – if the fracture does not heal, a natural or synthetic bone is transplanted to stimulate the broken bone.
  • Stem cell therapy – studies are currently underway to see whether stem cells can be used to treat fractures that do not heal.

Heals in the wrong position – this is known as a malunion; either the fracture heals in the wrong position or it shifts (the fracture itself shifts).

Disruption of bone growth – if a childhood bone fracture affects the growth plate, there is a risk that the normal development of that bone may be affected, raising the risk of a subsequent deformity.

Persistent bone or bone marrow infection – if there is a break in the skin, as may happen with a compound fracture, bacteria can get in and infect the bone or bone marrow, which can become a persistent infection (chronic osteomyelitis).

Patients may need to be hospitalized and treated with antibiotics. Sometimes, surgical drainage and curettage is required.

Bone death (avascular necrosis) – if the bone loses its essential supply of blood it may die.

Nutrition and sunlight – the human body needs adequate supplies of calcium for healthy bones. Milk, cheese, yoghurt, and dark green leafy vegetables are good sources of calcium.

Our body needs vitamin D to absorb calcium – exposure to sunlight, as well as eating eggs and oily fish are good ways of getting vitamin D.

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Physical activity – the more weight-bearing exercises you do, the stronger and denser your bones will be.

Examples include skipping, walking, running, and dancing – any exercise where the body pulls on the skeleton.

Older age not only results in weaker bones, but often in less physical activity, which further increases the risk of even weaker bones. It is important for people of all ages to stay physically active.

Menopause – estrogen, which regulates a woman’s calcium, drops during menopause, making calcium regulation much more difficult. Consequently, women need to be especially careful about the density and strength of their bones during and after the menopause.

The following steps may help reduce post-menopausal osteoporosis risk:

  • Do several short weight-bearing exercise sessions each week.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Consume only moderate quantities of alcohol, or don’t drink it.
  • Get adequate exposure to daylight.
  • Make sure your diet has plenty of calcium-rich foods. For those who find this difficult, a doctor may recommend calcium supplements.






















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No, the location of the fracture isn’t one normally associated with impact fractures resulting from a fall backwards.

Нет, такое расположение перелома обычно не связано с ударом от падения назад.

Dr. Wells, please note the impact fractures to the manubrium and the right humerus.

Доктор Уэллс, пожалуйста, обратите внимание на ушибленные переломы грудины и правой плечевой кости.

Also impact fractures to the right and left ulna and radius bones, ribs and left clavicle.

Также переломы в результате удара на левой и правой локтевой и радиальной костях, ребрах и левой ключице.

Impact fractures of the patellas, femoral necks, bilaterally, pelvis, and most of the ribs.

Вколоченные переломы коленных чашечек, шеек бедренных костей, двусторонние, таза, и большинства рёбер.

Другие результаты

This metal can absorb physical impacts that would otherwise fracture human bone.

Этот металл способен поглотить физическое воздействие, которое могло бы сломать обычные человеческие кости.

Carbide network or its remains sharply decrease viscosity of quenched balls that causes fracture under impact load.

Наличие карбидной сетки и ее остатков резко снижает вязкость закаленных шариков и они при ударных нагрузках разрушаются. Material characteristics to be considered are, when applicable: — yield stress; — tensile strength; — time-dependent strength; — fatigue data; — Young’s modulus; — appropriate amount of plastic strain; — impact strength; fracture resistance. При необходимости надлежит учитывать следующие свойства материалов: — предел текучести; — предел прочности на разрыв; — зависимость прочности от времени; — данные об усталости; — модуль Юнга; — соответствующее значение пластической деформации; — ударную вязкость; — сопротивление разрушению.

Well, while reassembling the victim’s skull, I found an embedded fiber, which I’ve given to Dr. Hodgins, and I’ve determined the probable point of impact, a depression fracture at the cranial vertex.

Во время сборки черепа убитого, я нашёл волокна, и отдал их доктору Ходжинсу, и я, вероятно, нашёл точку удара, приведший к перелому макушки черепа.

Impact fracture from a fall.

Radiating circular skull fracture consistent with a hard impact, and this — a second compression fracture to the occiput.

Радиальный перелом костей черпа совместимый с сильным воздействием, и в этом — второй компрессионный перелом затылка.

Compound fractures to both femurs indicate impact back to front.

Открытый перелом обоих бедер указывает на сильный удар сзади.

There’s a depressed fracture with lines radiating away from the point of impact.

Здесь вдавленный перелом с линиями, расходящимися от точки удара.

In order to show the sufficient resistance to fractures it is necessary carry out an impact test as per Annex 8 — Appendix 1.

Для того чтобы продемонстрировать достаточную механическую прочность, необходимо провести испытание на удар согласно добавлению 1 к приложению 8.

A fracture like that is from violent twisting or direct impact.

However, none of these projects resulted in a production quantity, mainly because of its low impact resistance and its low fracture toughness.

Тем не менее, ни один из этих проектов не привел к промышленному производству, в основном из-за низкого сопротивления ударным нагрузкам и низкой вязкости разрушения карбида кремния.

The calcaneal fractures indicate that her feet hit the ground first and absorbed most of the impact.

Эти переломы пяточной кости показывают, что ее ноги первыми ударились о землю и амортизировали большую часть удара.

So it looks like the pole went through the third and fourth ribs, and he’s got multiple fractures due to the force of the impact.

Похоже, кол проходит через третье и четвёртое рёбра, у него множественные переломы из-за силы удара.

These high bumpers will impact the femur part of the legform impactor, where no acceleration is measured to assess the risk of fractures.

В случае этих высоких бамперов удар будет приходиться на берцовую часть ударного элемента в виде модели ноги, в которой ускорение, необходимое для оценки риска переломов, не измеряется.

Check out the bruises on his left hand, fractured ribs and sternum dislocated lower jaw and a skull with comminuted fracture, all indicate the impact of a heavy blow.

Синяки на левой руке, переломомы ребер и грудной клетки, вывих нижней челюсти и раздробленая дыра в черепе, все это указывает на сильный удар.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 27. Точных совпадений: 4. Затраченное время: 105 мс

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, Больше

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Больше

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Больше
